Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Thread Bowl

Last week I went to the New Jersey Quilt Show. I pick up a book at the show called "Fast, Fun & Easy Incredible Thread-A-Bowls" by Wendy Hill. I decide to try one this weekend. What an easy project. You can use all of your extra threads, (finally something to do with the extra thread you take off your bobbins!) fabric scraps, yarn scraps even the threads you cut off your fabric after you wash it. You put your "filler" between some Water-Soluble stabilizer and do a lot of stitching to hold it all together. Then you wet the stabilizer and mold it over the bowl shape to let it dry. I really like how my first on turned out. You will be seeing a lot more of these!


Quilting Kim said...

Great fabric bowls. I did a quick tour of your blog and I just love your fabric selection.

Another Kim

pleintexasgirl said...

Who would have thought?? These are too cool, Kim. Can't wait to see more.